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Is HR Hints for you?

You are the CEO or founder of a startup/scaleup

You lack time to deal with people
you don't want to spend so much time recruiting and solving people's problems
you do not feel that you can fully give responsibility to your leaders, you do not feel that they are your partners
Check the offer for Startup

You run a business with your own capital

Would you like your company to grow even faster
too often you have to “put out fires” for your people
you feel that if it were not for you, then many topics and projects would not be at such a good level and too many things you have to control
Check the offer for Entrepreneurs

You have invested or are planning to invest in a company

you need a partner to optimize the company
you want to be sure that the company operates efficiently and develops in the right direction and meets the established revenue goals
you want to know that there are the right people in key positions in the company (C-level, core team)
Check the offer for the Investor

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